Creating a Hybrid Business Approach in the Field of Speech Therapy

It’s always a good time when we get to chat with Whitney McMullin! She keeps things real, and always keeps us laughing. In her current setting, Whitney has combined a hybrid business approach where she is contracting herself with ECI (Early Childhood Education) while also creating a mobile private practice. Her episode on The Speech Source Podcast is all about how she makes this combination work. Read below for some highlights of our interview with Whitney, or click on the photo above to enjoy the entire episode on The Speech Source Podcast!

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  • Balancing Work and Business: I work as a contractor for ECI and run my private practice on the side. Being a contractor gives me flexibility and allows me to build my own business gradually.

  • Schedule Management: I don't have fixed days for specific clients. My schedule is fluid, and I plan based on availability and workload. Setting boundaries and being intentional with my schedule are crucial for me.

  • Working Hours: I mostly work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday afternoons to suit my kid's school hours. I value flexibility in adjusting my working days according to my family needs.

  • Childcare during Breaks: Managing childcare during breaks is challenging for me since I live away from family. Finding suitable options and ensuring my kids can be with me is a priority.

  • Session Management: I keep sessions concise and set clear boundaries to stay on schedule during home visits. Effective time management is key to delivering quality care to my clients.

  • Documentation: For my private clients, I like to keep things simple. I adjust my communication style based on each family's preferences.

  • Self-care Priority: Regular exercise is a must for my mental well-being. I plan my workouts based on availability and prioritize movement regardless of the class type. Scheduling favorite classes and leaving time for regular exercise is essential. Also, giving myself ample time for tasks and avoiding rushing helps me manage stress and stay balanced.

  • Alternate Career Choice: If I weren't a speech therapist, I'd be interested in creative roles like greeting card writing or interior design. Creativity is my passion!

    Whitney left us with a beautiful idea about balance: Balancing a strong work ethic with a strong rest ethic is crucial for sustainable progress!

podcastMary Brezik