Creating and Selling Merdandise with SLP Belle Ormiston

Products!! This is such a fun and unique topic to cover in our field of speech pathology. Belle tells us how she simultaneously began her career as a SLP while creating needed products (apparel, stickers, drinkware and much more) for therapists. It has taken off from there!

Read below for a summarized version of our interview with Belle, or click the photo abive to enjoy the entire episode on The Speech Source Podcast!

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Interview with Belle

Q: Welcome, Belle! Could you share how you transitioned into becoming a speech therapist and products entrepreneur simultaneously?

A (Belle): I pursued speech therapy after studying at the University of Texas and LSU for my grad school. Simultaneously, I launched Bee the SLP, focusing on designing speech therapy-related products.

Q: What made you shift from private practice to your current role in home health?

A (Belle): While I loved my private practice experience, I desired more flexibility for my growing business, which I found in home health.

Q: How did you start creating products for sale?

A (Belle): I began Bee the SLP right after graduating in 2020, launching products three months post-pandemic peak. It started with simple designs I would wear myself, inspired by trends and speech therapy concepts.

Q: Could you walk us through your product creation process, from design to production and shipping?

A (Belle): I use Canva for design, then upload to a printing provider for production and shipping. For inventory management, I create products to order to avoid unnecessary stock.

Q: How do you navigate online platforms like Etsy and your personal website for sales?

A (Belle): Initially on Etsy, but transitioned to my website to minimize transaction fees and direct traffic from social media and conventions I attend.

Q: How do you balance pricing and sales promotions in your business?

A (Belle): I offer occasional sales and provide promo codes for customers, aiming for a balance between affordability and sustainability for my business.

Q: What future goals do you have for your business?

A (Belle): I aim to transition to part-time speech therapy, balancing it with my growing product line and exploring new ideas for the business.

Q: How do you define success in your entrepreneurial journey?

A (Belle): Success, for me, is a mix of growth and staying true to my values. While striving to grow my business, I also focus on mental well-being and balance.

Q: How do you relax and unwind amidst your busy schedule?

A (Belle): I find peace in hot yoga sessions several times a week, a healthy way to decompress and step away from work.

Q: How do you handle customer service and unresolved issues with orders?

A (Belle): Providing personal customer service is crucial for me. I address issues promptly and try to resolve them with a personal touch and grace.

Q: How do you manage giveaways and interact with your social media audience?

A (Belle): I keep giveaways simple to engage more participants and use apps to randomly select winners, ensuring a fair distribution of prizes.

Q: Lastly, how do you find inspiration for your designs and products?

A (Belle): I gather inspiration from Pinterest, exploring trends and designs that resonate with my brand and values.

podcastMary Brezik