Ten Fun Facts About Speech-Language Pathologist Ashley Christensen

Meet Ashley Christensen, a dynamic speech-language pathologist who's turning her passion for helping children into innovative digital courses. Here are ten fun facts about Ashley that reveal the heart and drive behind her mission to enhance children’s communication skills.

1. Early Aspirations: Ashley initially dreamed of becoming a pediatrician because of her love for helping kids. Her journey took a creative turn towards speech pathology after considering her future role as a mom and the work-life balance she desired.

2. A Growing Family: Ashley is not just a speech pathologist; she's a supermom of five! Her family includes four biological children and one child who blessed their family through adoption, adding rich personal experience to her professional expertise.

3. Birth of "My Magic Words Speech Sound Academy:" The idea for her digital course came from a breakthrough moment with a 12-year-old student who emotionally pronounced his name correctly for the first time under her guidance. She knew in that moment she wanted to make a difference in as many lives as possible.

4. DIY Filmmaker: When creating her course, Ashley took on the roles of director, producer, and actor. She filmed the entire course herself using high-quality video equipment borrowed from her husband, without hiring a professional crew.

5. Marketing Maven: Ashley had to quickly adapt to becoming a marketer, despite having no prior experience. She used Canva and social media to promote her digital course effectively.

6. Advocate for Empowerment: Ashley’s speech sessions always begin with "brain boosts" or affirmations, which Ashley believes are powerful for building children's confidence in their communication abilities. These “Magic Words” are what lead to her brand and course name.

7. Lifelong Learner: Despite the challenges of creating a digital course, Ashley enrolled in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy to refine her skills, emphasizing her commitment to continuous improvement.

8. The Magic of Storytelling: Ashley harnesses the power of storytelling in her marketing to make complex psychological and educational concepts accessible to parents and children alike. She follows the ideas of Don Miller’s StoryBrand approach.

9. Beyond the Screen: Recognizing the importance of tangible learning tools, Ashley provides a physical "magic bag" filled with practical items that children can use along with her digital course to enhance their learning experience.

10. A Heart for Access: Ashley is passionate about making her resources affordable and accessible. She is considering a scholarship program to ensure that no child is left behind due to financial constraints.

Ashley Christensen is more than just a speech-language pathologist; she is a visionary educator who combines personal experience with professional expertise to make a lasting impact on children’s lives. Her story inspires parents, professionals, and aspiring entrepreneurs to follow their passions and make a difference in the world

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